A few highlights from eMetrics SF 2012:

  • There are now several shareable end-to-end B2B tracking case studies that are finally out, including Intuit and Symantec.
  • Special call out the Michael Parker who spoke clearly and persuasively during his keynote.
  • Prezi makes for some pretty engaging presentations.
  • Digital Analytics is now a young adult.

Advice for when you’re back in the office:

  • You’re standing in front of a golf ball. Every millimeter on where you strike that ball makes a big difference months out. Tee up, and make it a really great swing.
  • Take thirty minutes to integrate your notes into your work checklist / burn list.
  • If you were inspired by what you saw, write out it out on a notecard. Refer to it often.

Thank you:

  • Attendees for the conversations and your engagement,
  • Jim Sterne for hosting, 
  • Tiffany Harris for cat herding, 
  • Speakers for putting yourselves out there,
  • All those that successfully challenged my assumptions.

What’s next?


I’m Christopher Berry.
I tweet about analytics @cjpberry
I write at christopherberry.ca