
  • Only 97% of analysts use Excel at some point in their careers.
  • Only 3% of web analysts have yet to use R.
  • A whopping 0.3% of web analysts have downloaded PANDAS since Monday.

Now consider:

  • A whopping 97% of analysts use Excel at some point in their careers.
  • A whopping 3% have used R.
  • Only 0.3% of web analysts have downloaded PANDAS since Monday.

Leading words shape perception. Perception shapes both what is asked and biases within what is asked next.

For Instance: 

  • Who the hell are the 3% who haven’t used Excel?
  • Why is Excel such a dominant tool at 97%?

And Next:

  • Why aren’t way more web analysts using R?
  • Wow, what do those 3% of web analysts know that we don’t?

And finally:

  • PANDAS was just announced over the weekend – how did so many find out about it?
  • Why didn’t PANDAS weekend announcement generate more downloads?

I’m not saying that it’s right or wrong.

I’m saying that it is.

At least be aware of what you may be doing and make up your own mind about how you shape perception.

P.S. All figures are made up and illusory.


I’m Christopher Berry.
I tweet about analytics @cjpberry
I write at