I apologize for the low post frequency this month.

You can read why I’m a bit more conscious of that fact by clicking here.

Joseph’s post at that link, about post frequency and Holmes and Watson is a perfect example of what the social science of social is all about.

Speaking of the social science of social – the Syncapse Measurement Science team is working on the guerrilla analytics dataset – and I’d like to have both a cleaned dataset and a white paper summarizing the results out within two weeks. I reckon you ought to be updated.

There were four Peer Reviewed Research Articles posted in January for your interest:


I’m really enjoying this WAA program and I hope other members are getting some value out of it too.

Finally, what has been really consuming a lot of cycles lately is a text. There’s a lot rattling around in the head about the connections between analytics, statistics, the scientific method, social, language, how the brain processes language, radio, TV, interactive, information architecture, the sales/researcher divide, doctors…and I think it’s a story that’s important enough to tell.

And that’s just it – how to tell that story – and in a way that will actually make sense. 😉

Well, that’s what I’ve been up to. Everything else is privileged.
