Effective analytics is disruptive because being smarter causes smarter actions.

Organizations do not, and probably can not, change as rapidly as the intelligence suggests. This alone can be a massive source of frustration, both for the analytics professionals, and for other areas of management within the organization.

Three key questions to consider:

  • Small failure is likely and common within most organizations – are you comfortable with those getting surfaced?
  • Small success is likely and common within most organizations – are you more concerned with sharing the resulting insights instead of investing in assigning credit?
  • Do you have a system for change management and updating strategy?

Analytics shines a harsh light on previously dark corners. And yet, knowing what you don’t know, and what you would do if did know, is a healthy attitude towards the benefits of analytics.

2 thoughts on “Effective analytics is disruptive

  1. Matt Booher says:

    I’ve always felt some organizations are “predisposed” to doing analytics better than others – but struggled to find a way to articulate it. These 3 questions express it quite well.

  2. Thank you for the comment Matt.

    Defining ‘better’ is pretty hard.

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