ExactTarget reported in their paper, “Subscribers, Fans, and Followers: The Social Break-Up”, Feb 1, 2011, that a top reason (44% of respondants) for unliking a Facebook Brand was “The Company posted too frequently”.

Among other reasons:

  • 43% said “My wall was becoming way too crowded with marketing posts and I needed to get rid of some of them”.
  • 38% said “The content became repetitive or boring over time”.
  • 19% said “The content wasn’t relevant to me from the start”,
  • 17% “The company’s posts were too chit-chatty – not focused on real value”.

All of these reasons cited go directly to the concept of relevancy.

When does content become too much? When it ceases to be relevant.

When do you want to make some content go away? When it ceases to be relevant.

When does content become boring? When it ceases to be relevant.

This competition for relevance is one half of the defining challenge for social media marketers. To a certain extent, paying for the privileged of pushing an unwanted message into the yawning maw of consumers provided a specific degree of insurance. Relevancy was always theoretically important to marketing effectiveness. It’s just that it wasn’t a big enough factor to truly matter. Or rather, it didn’t matter to enough people.

It’s not a new problem. Rather, it’s an intensification of a latent one.