Social media data. Huge amount of volume. Huge amount of complexity and simplicity in structure. Time for a radical metaphor. It’s like the night sky. With the naked eye, you can see thousands individual dots of light. And, humans being human, if you look long and hard enough, you’ll see patterns and start associating events with those patterns. See below. I offer some evidence to back up that claim. Of course, those relationships are one possible interpretation. (And fine. I accept where they’re coming from). If I used something significantly more powerful, like the Hubble, and trained it at a fairly dark part of the sky – (and they did) – you’d see this: Right there – next to the[…]
Pat LaPointe wrote a pretty interesting article for MediaPost Publications. You can check it out here. My response is pretty much ‘Yes, And…’ I don’t understand why some people are making inductive inferences that online word of mouth is somehow reflective of offline word of mouth. (As a certain company appears to be making). I share his concern and skepticism. Let me unpack that. A whole generation of quantitative market researchers are supposed to understand that if you take a small, random sample of a population and expose them to a treatment, then you can make an inductive inference on how the entire population will react to that same treatment. The probability that the inductive inference is accurate is a[…]
Consider the impact of the mechanical clock and the curved lens on early analytics. The mechanical clock enabled consistent, scale, time. You won’t optimize what you won’t measure. And Europeans most certainly started optimizing time. They’ve been optimizing work per time unit, productivity, since the renaissance. Countries that didn’t have a method of measuring productivity simply didn’t optimize it. Worse, cultures that didn’t value the standardization of time simply didn’t value productivity. Why care about productivity when you have loads of population to toss at a project? It put whole swaths of the globe at a competitive disadvantage. The curved lens, aside from giving us astronomy and microbiology, enabled great strides in miniaturization and productivity. A skilled worker could work[…]
The Syncapse Measurement Science team put together an experiment on sentiment analysis, as applied to social media measurement. As promised: Link to the White Paper: syncapse-sentiment-analysis Link to the Data Set: The Geurilla Analytics Project _ Sentiment The paper will speak for itself. We can discuss it here and on Twitter.
“Chief information officers (CIOs) have become somewhat more prominent in the executive suite, and a new kind of professional has emerged, the data scientist, who combines the skills of software programmer, statistician and storyteller/artist to extract the nuggets of gold hidden under mountains of data. Hal Varian, Google’s chief economist, predicts that the job of statistician will become the “sexiest” around. Data, he explains, are widely available; what is scarce is the ability to extract wisdom from them.”Source: The Economist, Feb 25, 2010 Yes, Hal. Yes. Statisticians are certainly a sexy lot. I coined the rather curious term stratistician – a cross between a strategist and a statistician, over a lunch with Mark Dykeman on Friday. A lol ensued. Then[…]
The Quest for Simplicity in Social Media Measurement (#smm) is one that will dominate the year. Trying to produce something simple out of something complex is…complex. There are seven axioms that are guiding a lot of my thought in dealing with that complexity: 1. The purpose of analytics is to derive competitive advantage for the organization / firm / entity. It follows that the purpose of Social Media Measurement is to drive competitive advantage. If the end result isn’t competitive advantage – then it has no value. That unto itself is a value statement. Simplicity drives competitive advantage because simple is more actionable than complex. I’m often asked questions that have very complex comprehensive answers. I have to sort out[…]
Joseph Carrabis just published the final in his three part series, the Unfulfilled Promise of Analytics. It’s worth a read. Pop some corn and leave a thumb ungreased to pound that space bar. Joseph concludes with an invitation for others to carry on where he left off. So here goes: Where to from here? A point of view. In my view – analytics is a science that is in service of an entity. It’s not about the pursuit of truth but rather the pursuit of competitive advantage. Anything that stands between us and that goal is an obstacle to be obliterated. There are 7 axioms that I consider to be the most relevant foundations and anchors. I’ll add more axioms[…]
#ChangeCampTO happened last night in Toronto. It was a gathering of some 240 people ranging from engaged citizens, community organizers, public sector people, private sector people, social media technologists, journalists, and yes, the social analytics guy in the room. The purpose of the gathering was to develop a civic engagement toolkit. The overarching goal of this movement is fairly ambitious – we want the headline on a newspaper, the day after the Toronto civic election, to read: “wholly shit, people care”. I was at Table 13, and did I ever luck out with my group. We spent the time actually talking about tools – focusing on the how instead of the issues. It’s this leap to go from issues-based thinking[…]
If you’re in the #smm or #measure community, you know the impact that tweeting has had on the English (written) language (online). Never before has the @ and # been (ab)used so much. But what about the impact it has had on how we consume media together? Twitter is an awesome utility. Through it, we find out how our friends are doing, organize trouble, learn, alert, shout, entertain, push, prod, pull and otherwise – communicate. People are amazing adapters. We had to be over the past million years. It’s our competitive advantage. We’re always finding new uses for things and repurposing them. Twitter is no exception. We’ll find some new way to use the medium. During Friday night, and continuing[…]
A massive thank you to Patrick Glinski (@glinskiii) for hosting Web Analytics Wednesday (On a Tuesday) last night. The venue was great and it was all well organized. Also a big thanks to Jim Sterne (@jimsterne) for coming out and Lee Isensee (@OMLee) from Unica for sponsoring the event. I didn’t expect to join the panel – but it was nice to have been loudly trolled up (eh – @Jason_Dee ?). I also enjoyed giving the first stabs on what are really hard and really early solutions. What I wanted to talk about, but couldn’t, was the launch of our product socialTALK™ today. It’s exciting because it addresses the human process issues that are common in social media marketing. It’s[…]